MDA Project Managers has partnered with Pegasys to provide the Western Cape Government: Department of Mobility, the Project Management services on the implementation and operation of the GO GEORGE bus service and other investments in terms of empowering the minibus taxi industry and formalising the public transport for the city. Although the roll-out of services has seen many challenges, the project has seen steady growth in passenger numbers over the years and in 2024 the first services to Thembalethu were achieved, giving the community the access to the formal bus network all over the city with one trip ticket and free transfers. The GIPTN has gained significant support from the National Department of Transport in recognising the huge strides made, and continues to deliver on affordable, safe, scheduled and universally accessible transportation.
Name of Project: George Integrated Public Transport Network (GIPTN)
Client: Pegasys
Location: George, Western Cape
Year Completed: In Progress
Our Role: Project Management