MDA Project Managers, as project lead to a project management consortium, oversaw the Planning, Design and Construction of the 55 000-seater, multi-purpose Cape Town Stadium in preparation for the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup. The stadium is comprised of 50 000 general seats over three primary concrete tiers, with 68 VIP hospitality suites providing an additional 4700+ seats. The stadium features a pitch area of approximately 13 535m2, which is illuminated by 360 200W floodlights.
Associated with the development of the Cape Town Stadium was the upgrade of the existing Green Point Common adjacent to the stadium. The primary feature of the upgrade was the creation of the Green Point Urban Park, which serves as a safe and secure public open space environment for the public. The park includes; a Biodiversity Garden, Waterways, Outdoor Gymnasium, Playground, Children’s Park and a walk-on Analemmatic Sundial.
This project involved the extensive co-ordination between various government organisations and other stakeholders (City/Provincial/National/FIFA/Adjoining Landlords). It highlighted the effective management of information flow and contractor performance.
Name of Project: Cape Town Stadium and Green Point Urban Park
Client: City of Cape Town
Location: Green Point, Cape Town
Year Completed: 2010
Our Role: Principal Agent and Project Manager